Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Male Strippers - But No Women!

Last night (out of curiosity, and nothing else being on) I watched a documentary called "All Men, All Nude", about the lives of a half-dozen male strippers at "Swinging Richards", a gay male strip club in Atlanta.

Wow, was there plenty of full-frontal male nudity - swinging cocks, strippers casually wanking themselves, and even some helicoptering! Although it was a gay club, not all the strippers were gay, and there were a few women in the audience too. 

I usually watch movies and TV shows while also looking at my phone, but I found myself not being able to look away from the TV, as the beefy cocks and low-hanging ballsacks made appearances seemingly every minute. (There was no outright sex, or touching by the audience, but they did mention there were VIP rooms with exorbitant fees, so one could infer that anything goes there.) 

This is the first time I have questioned my mono-sexuality.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

My Wife Loves the Beach

When my wife and I go to the beach, sometimes she likes to go for a walk and collect seashells. 
This time, she didn't find any shells, but she came back with this photo. 
(She was gone a long time. I wonder if she did more than just take the photo?)
I fully expect that tomorrow, she will want to move her spot on the beach to be next to him.

Thursday, September 22, 2022